Friday, 31 August 2012


Well Bob and Marjan do clearly. 

Another thing I’ve become slightly obsessed with over here is that people seem to paint their names on their front doors. In the same way that I did with the Black Houses post, if I don’t put this up now I will go on continually taking photos of people’s doors while trying not to get caught so it must stop. Now. 

Is this something that’s done everywhere? I honestly can’t think. I know that I’ve never put my name on my front door. Is it for the postman? Is it just so that people can be super friendly when they knock and immediately know your name? I wonder. 

Yeah ok this one is for the postman but still, it could just have the apartment number right?

The cynic in me immediately thought “well, with google maps now surely someone can just steal your identity if they know your name and full address” - but actually (despite the identity theft) I think it’s quite lovely. 

These photos were taken all around Amsterdam but they all have the same font - do you think there is some stealth Banksy-esque name stenciller who goes around town in the dead of night painstakingly writing names on doors? Or maybe that font is just the done thing, no one would DREAM of using Helvetica, no sirreee. 

Ok, that’s it. Just pondering while pottering. 
If anyone knows about this name on doors thingy drop me a line. 

p.s apologies for the crap photography, all with iphone while trying not to be seen


Wednesday, 22 August 2012


A few reasons for this BLUE post. 

You probably haven't been asked your favourite colour since you were in the playground (neither have I), but I've just realised that mine is a sort of Inky Blue. Mainly because when I look around the place I have a shitload of stuff in that colour. So here are a few of my favourite things...some of which I have (the glasses, the map and the rug) and some I want (all the other really expensive stuff).

Glitter Christian LaboutinsZara zigghi RugJil Sander Dress, Map Print - Jessica DurrantBlue Juju HatDel Rey Mulberry bag, Ikat ottomanElizabeth Cole Mohawk earringsBlue rimmed tumbler glasses - Paradise Road

URGH those earrings are amazeballs.

Secondly, the baby has the pox (chicken, not small) so we have been feeling a little blue in our household this week. Unfortunately he hasn't been one of the lucky ones who just gets 10 spots, he is covered from head to toe. In fact I've had a vision of him in the future as an angry, acne-ridden teenager and it isn't pretty.

We have spent a lot of time feeling sorry for ourselves in the bedroom which has been lost amidst a sea of toys, cotton wool balls, calpol, tissues, wipes and all other baby/illness paraphernalia. Because of that, I've been looking at Blue rooms on the internet wishing they were mine and not the current hideous spot-ridden one we are currently confined to. Here we go - some pictures of perfectly styled blue rooms which I would much rather be hanging out in.

Jerry Jacobs (HOUZZ)

 Kim Armstrong (HOUZZ)

WOW for this last one. From the LENNOX.


Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Last night I went to see the Oscar-worthy film that is Magic Mike. If you've seen it you will know what I'm on about, if you haven't, watch the trailer here - it's fairly self explanatory. It's a shameless perve-fest with no storyline that doesn't pretend to be anything else. All that matters though is that I have discovered my new crush - hello Mr Alex Pettyfer. 

I suddenly thought, wouldn't he be the perfect home accessory? Imagine sitting him in the corner of the room, he would be way prettier than any cushion or a piece of art on the wall. I bet if I had him in  my flat he would get a lot more comments than, say, my  planter chair or my coffee table (and my coffee is table is really cool). He doesn't need to say anything he can just sit.

Now I know it's wrong to objectify so I'm not going to degrade the guy buy just showing pictures like this...

or this...

or even this...

I wouldn't do that. I'm above it. It's all about his acting skills. 

oh wait, or THIS

I'm just saying I think there is something in this idea. Also, his mum is an interior designer (I may have stalked him a little on IMDB) so there is an even more tenuous link to interiors for you and it also makes me think he'd be more willing to give it a go as he understands the business.

If anyone knows how to get hold of him so I can ask him personally to come and have a seat on my sofa that would be grand.


Saturday, 11 August 2012


I once sent my husband an email, I can’t remember exactly what it was but the subject was along the lines of “cute puppies / babies / fluffy things” etc. He immediately sent me an email saying “DO NOT send me emails like that at work, what if someone sees?” so I re-sent the same email and changed the title to “Monster Trucks” which, of course, he opened.

The point is, this post is actually about architectural mouldings. You see? If you’d seen that immediately you would have (rightly) thought giveashit and moved on, but hold your horses for just one minute...

I'm talking about these things...

(architrave, cornice, ceiling rose, skirting)

"ahh" I hear you say. Ok let's carry on.

How many times have you been into houses/rooms/public buildings and seen the same classic style of mouldings? (It’s never even entered your mind? I know, again, stick with me I'll keep it brief). Anyway, they are usually very decorative but I recently saw this company  Solomon and Wu in a magazine and think it’s genius. They do modern mouldings and their designs won Most Innovative Product at Decorex in 2011. Why hasn’t anyone thought of it before? If you’re building a modern house, already live in one,  or just fancy sprucing up your old one then you can have modern mouldings to match (try saying that fast). I don’t love all of them, (those pebble like things in the ceiling are horrid, they look like the Flintstones house - see pic at the bottom) but I love the Linear Structure Series, you’d barely need anything else in the room. 
Pics below (all from Solomon and Wu).

Caumont series cornice

Linear Series 1

Linear Series 2

Cubist rose

Caumont architrave

Cubist skirting

Organic structure cornice

Ok that’s it. I’m done. Still bored? Oh fine. Here.