Finally I decided to part with the 99Euros (basically the same cost as IKEA) and proudly walked in to make my purchase. Unfortunately when I got there it had gone. Da Da DAAAA.
The woman in the shop told me that the last one was about to go in the window to be the display, “but I’d like to buy it” I said cheerily. Computer says no. No amount of coaxing would make her sell. She looked up stock in other stores, checked on the website and it was sold out everywhere.
Baby A helpfully demonstrated my disgust by throwing up not once but twice on the counter while I begged embarrassingly for her to part with it. Eventually she said I could put my name down and buy it once it came out of the window display in 3 weeks, so I did. I then pushed my luck asking for a discount but she said she wouldn't sell it to me if it wasn't in good condition, she knew she had me.
Here is a photo of it laughing at me from the window. Bastards.
Anyway, happy days I finally got my mitts on it so our upstairs boring wooden (ahem) bit is a little bit fancier. Ta daaaaa.
ps. While I was looking for this rug I found someone else had pinned it which led me to my new fave blog Swoonworthy.
pps. While we’re on the subject of rugs, check out my other favourite wants in the graphic rug department. One day these will all be in the Dream House.
Absolute all time favourite - Madeline Weinrib - I would have anything of hers, not picky.
Parker Blue by Luke Irwin
Surya Fallon - Rugstudio
CUTE, this is actually for a kids room but I'd like it too.
Aqua Magic Carpet - Land of Nod