Friday, 14 December 2012


A bit of light crushing this week. This fella started me off that I saw on a post from Design Sponge, designed by Claudia Melo in polished copper it's one of 3 from the Star collection from Mambo Unlimited. It's pretty funky.

Sticking with polished copper, I did actually want to write a whole post about this next light which I've long had feelings for - Tom Dixon's Copper Shade. This is a much copied, seriously popular fixture which is everywhere. (The Graham Norton Show has them littered over the set, greedy - there's even a new bar in the airport here in Amsterdam that has at least 10 for crying out loud).

Hello my love.


This is another of Tom Dixon's designs - the Etch Light Web. Its weighs nothing and is obviously designed for the beautiful shadows it casts, you could pretty much just have this and a sofa in a room and you'd be set.

Another favourite is this star lantern (actually this one's called the Asterisk dontcha know). I personally think they should live in a hall or a bathroom. My friend just picked one up from Ebay for 25 quid, not bad work (she does have an unhealthy ebay obsession).

via + via

This picture is now my favourite of the week, those lanterns are amazeballs and loving the palm frond pictures echoing the arch over the door. Dee-lish. (The view out the door isn't bad either).

A couple of simple and beautiful Vaughan lights.

Moooi's Non Random light (great name).

Finally this awesome Raimond Light. Which looks like a firework mid-explosion. I know, it's good.


(Below at the Corinthian Club London)

(Below at the Andaz Hotel Amsterdam)

I've also come across this recently on Pinterest, similar to the first one up above. Another geometric design in brass this time - rather beautiful n'est pas?

OK enough. ENOUGH.

OK one more for comedy's sake.

I leave you with this. This thing. I mean... I just, I can't even find the words...
I saw this in a shop in Singapore once and thought it was a joke. Turns out its a very expensive joke. Honestly who buys this? This was a design low-point. Clearly the designers daughter's favourite animal is a horse and asked for a "horsey light" and he just said "yes darling, whatever you like".

I say Neigh.

Friday, 7 December 2012


I've always had a bit of an obsession with white wooden floors. I think they just look so serene and classic. I mean seriously, what's not to like?  

Source unknown

The husband and I are currently house-hunting in Amsterdam which is not entirely going to plan. Mainly because I'm looking at things we can't afford then not wanting to make offers on things we can actually afford. I know, It's not rocket science. Whilst looking at houses out of our budget (that's what a day of open houses is for surely?) I found a lovely apartment which would have been perfect (apart from the $$$). An old Dutch house on a canal complete with beautiful old wooden floors. While discussing this 'dream house' and what we would do to it if we won the lottery I casually said: 

''I would definitely paint the wooden floorboards white in the big bedroom" 

Stony silence. 

I felt like I'd just told him a horrible little secret I'd been hiding for our whole relationship. 

Right then I realised that when we buy a place our tastes might not always align. Who will win these battles I wonder? I have a friend who's approach to decorating her house was to ask her husband's opinion and flatly ignore anything he said, knowing that he would never be arsed to actually change anything she did.

When you are in a rented place (which we have always been since we've been together) you rarely have to deal with this as you don't necessarily have the scope to change anything but suddenly the thought of decorating you own home might throw up a few previously un-heard opinions.  

We already have quite a bit of furniture, most of which we have bought together and we definitely agree on things 90% (ok 75%) of the time. A few debatable items, some things I brought to the co-habitation (a few old rugs which, I quote the Husband "look like things refugees kept themselves warm with") and some things he brought (a 70's looking mustard brown corduroy sofa which I cannot for the LIFE of me get rid of). So it seems that generally furniture isn't the problem, when it comes to design decisions though ...well, let's see. 

As well as the white floorboard shocker, when I suggested bold wallpaper in a little loo (see my Pinterest Board here, yes there is an entire board dedicated) again, he was horrified.  

Anyway, it just got me thinking about this next stage. I'll keep you posted on any future scuffles...

Back to some lovely images of white floors, hopefully when he reads this he'll be converted.

Someone please buy me these chairs for Christmas. Pretty please. Please. Seriously please.

source unknown

There's 25 more pics here on my White Floorboards Pinterest Board. Yup, a whole board for these puppies too.


Saturday, 1 December 2012


I figured we'd have a facial hair inspired post this week as its now the end of November which of course means "Movember" to a lot. It's already the end of the month which means there are some pretty nifty tache's out there now (hopefully) about to be cleanly shaven.

Movember is an inspiring idea and simple enough so anyone can do it (ok, men mostly but we all know some girls who could put up a pretty impressive show). 

 This guy is a regular in the National Beard and Moustache Championships.

Incase you don't know the story here's a Ted Talk from Adam Garone who is the founder. Quite interesting how Prostate Cancer Foundation initially batted away the idea then came round to it once the money started piling in...(77 million dollars last year)!

There are some very cool Moustache- themed and inspired products around at the moment so I've picked a few faves

1 - sunstashe -
2 - must dash print - Bodie and Fou
3 - vinyl wall deco - InitialYou Etsy
4 - jumper 
5 - moustache dummy - The Discovery Store
6 - mug - Urban Outfitters
7 - Moustache light - Katrin Greiling
8 - Scarf - New Look
9 - necklace - Lime Drop
10 - mobile - Shak Shuka
...and the cushion which I forgot to number...Sass and Belle

Love that mobile, here it is in situ in a sweet baby's room from LoveThomas.

Moustache Pillow set from Urban Outfitters - very cutsey.

Love the complete randomness of this one above. Wall deco of a moustache on the ceiling from Pixers.


(Another wall deco which now I've looked at it too long looks like a croissant with a bite taken out).

Habitually Chic did a great post with some dashing pics of men in moustache's so go over and check it out. In the mean time I'll just highlight some of the best facial hair wearers as this is what it's all about, the humble moustache:

Make a donation to Movember here.