Sticking with polished copper, I did actually want to write a whole post about this next light which I've long had feelings for - Tom Dixon's Copper Shade. This is a much copied, seriously popular fixture which is everywhere. (The Graham Norton Show has them littered over the set, greedy - there's even a new bar in the airport here in Amsterdam that has at least 10 for crying out loud).
Hello my love.
Another favourite is this star lantern (actually this one's called the Asterisk dontcha know). I personally think they should live in a hall or a bathroom. My friend just picked one up from Ebay for 25 quid, not bad work (she does have an unhealthy ebay obsession).
This picture is now my favourite of the week, those lanterns are amazeballs and loving the palm frond pictures echoing the arch over the door. Dee-lish. (The view out the door isn't bad either).
A couple of simple and beautiful Vaughan lights.
Moooi's Non Random light (great name).
Finally this awesome Raimond Light. Which looks like a firework mid-explosion. I know, it's good.
(Below at the Corinthian Club London)
(Below at the Andaz Hotel Amsterdam)
I've also come across this recently on Pinterest, similar to the first one up above. Another geometric design in brass this time - rather beautiful n'est pas?
OK one more for comedy's sake.
I leave you with this. This thing. I mean... I just, I can't even find the words...
I saw this in a shop in Singapore once and thought it was a joke. Turns out its a very expensive joke. Honestly who buys this? This was a design low-point. Clearly the designers daughter's favourite animal is a horse and asked for a "horsey light" and he just said "yes darling, whatever you like".
I say Neigh.